Tell the Canadian Labour Congress: It’s Time to Take a Stand

It has been two weeks since Palestinian trade unions released an urgent call for action, calling on international trade unions to take action to halt the arms trade to Israel. The CLC is silent.

It has been one week since representatives of leading pan-Canadian labour, faith, Arab, Jewish, and civil society organizations, released a statement calling on the Government of Canada to call for an immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in Israel-Palestine, to end the blockade of Gaza, and for the restoration of humanitarian aid and access to the basic necessities of life. The CLC is silent.

The Canadian Government shamefully abstained on the vote of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) emergency resolution for an immediate and humanitarian truce in Gaza on October 28th. The CLC is silent.

As a pan-Canadian network of labour activists who work to deepen solidarity with Palestinian workers and people in their struggle for liberation, we call on the CLC to honour its 2021 resolution to oppose Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine, call on the Canadian government to end arms sales to Israel, and support divestment from companies complicit in the occupation.

Join us in sending a message to the CLC that silence on this issue is complicity. It is time to take a stand.


Labour for Palestine Vancouver: Selina Robinson must resign


“More than ever we need to be in solidarity with Palestinian resistance”, Labour for Palestine statement