Labour for Palestine - Canada Rejects Israel’s drive for a Regional War.

Over the past 24 hours, the zionist state of Israel, amidst its genocidal war against the Palestinian people, has deepened tensions in the region by launching two attacks on sovereign countries, Iran and Lebanon, in order to assassinate key political and military leaders. These actions expose Israel’s true motivations and undeniably escalate the prospect of a regional war, where millions of lives will be endangered. The possibility of a ceasefire-agreement and a stop to this war is now in jeopardy. Assassinating the lead Palestinian leader responsible for negotiations is not conducive to reaching a prisoner exchange agreement or ending the genocide. It sure will not dampen the Palestinian people’s struggle for emancipation, liberation and peace.

The role of the labour movement is crystal clear. In so-called Canada we must: (1) Reject  imperialism and our government's alignment with it in the region; (2) Stop the arms trade with the state of Israel. 

We call on members of Labour for Palestine - Canada, unions and workers across Canada  to heed the calls of Palestinian workers and trade-unionists, to organize in our workplaces and unions the resistance required for a total refusal to handle “Hot Cargo” in this country. Hot Cargo, which includes any goods being manufactured or transferred to and from Israel, is something all workers need to unequivocally oppose - now more than ever.

The policies being exercised by the zionist state of Israel, and the support that they get from the United States,Canada and other states, are a reflection of their domestic policies towards workers, unions, and the wider working class at home and around the globe. Our solidarity and resistance must be international.The genocide needs to end. We cannot allow these crimes against humanity to continue, and we cannot allow the Canadian state to continue being complicit in such crimes. The threat of an all-out regional war is closer than it has ever been. It's time for action in support of Palestinian liberation. It is time for a just peace.


Stand with Fred


“We must continue to organize confidently, proudly, and fearlessly”