Palestine: a history of colonization, occupation and resistance.

The Palestinian struggle for liberation from colonialism and occupation dates back to the turn of the 20th century. During this period, the Zionist settler-colonial project established itself in historic

Palestine with the support of British colonialism. This ultimately resulted in the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 but not before over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their homes and lands, through a systematic process that erased over 500 villages and towns. The remaining Palestinians inside Israel lived under martial law and currently exist as marginalized, second class citizens in their own ancestral home.

1967 marked a turning point in the Palestinian national liberation struggle against occupation when Israel occupied the remaining 22% of historic Palestine (Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and West Bank). In the 1990’s, Palestinians and Israel entered into a “peace process”. Instead of resulting in an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian state beside Israel, the peace process further fragmented Palestinian society and led to the “bantustanization” of the promised homeland.

Today, Palestinians under occupation are divided between the West Bank and Gaza, and Israel continues the land grab and ethnic cleansing that started in the mid 1940’s. This is the reality being imposed by the Apartheid Walls in Gaza and the West Bank as well as Israel’s policies towards its Palestinian citizens and residents of Jerusalem. Gaza’s almost 2 million inhabitants are under complete siege in the biggest open air prison on earth. They are subjected to various forms of human rights violations from food deprivation to massacres and attacks with internationally prohibited weapons.

Learn more about what the labour movement is doing to stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

Advocacy & Statements

Palestine Legal Referral Service

A national legal referral service connecting individuals expressing support for Palestine and Palestinians with over fifty experienced legal counsel across Canada.  An initiative launched by members of the Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers, Labour 4 Palestine and the Legal Centre for Palestine.


Join our Labour Against Apartheid Campaign

The Labour Against Apartheid campaign is coordinated by Labour4Palestine to deepen Palestine solidarity in the Canadian labour movement. Our goals are to:

  1. Empower the many unions in Canada that have expressed support for Palestine to move to concrete action by launching Palestine solidarity campaigns.

  2. Support those unions that have not yet passed resolutions in support of Palestinian liberation to take those first steps.